21 October 2019
Dear colleagues and friends,
Building on the core values of dedication in paediatric education, excellence in clinical practice and innovation in medical research, the principal aim of the Institute of Paediatric Virology is to get the message of the significance of Paediatric Virology in future medicine across to our international scientific community. Future paediatric professionals should definitely have more prevention-based tools and therapeutic choices towards viral infections. Now, it is the time to emphasize the fundamental needs for this increasingly expanded scientific field.
Our current inadequacies should encourage further research in Peadiatric Virology giving us strength and hope for the future.
This is what the Institute of Paediatric Virology tries to inspire: a call for a new époque of advanced medical approach of children with viral diseases. We strongly believe that upgrading the level of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing paediatric training is the first and most important step in this direction. On behalf of the newly founded Institute of Paediatric Virology, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the official website of the Institute of Paediatric Virology.
We invite you to explore together the endless world of viruses in the vast ocean of paediatric knowledge.
Welcome //